Kindly fill up the form below to register
with KEMates:
However, we would advise you to create a new account on KEMates.com instead (you@kemates.com),
because of the following reasons:
1) You can change your email ID at any time :
by sending us a message at mukesh@kemates.com
or oncogen@kemates.com
2)Your email address remains unchanged for life :
Many of the Email services you use e.g. hotmail are going to become paid
services soon When this happens and you shift to some other free server,
your email address will change. However, you can retain your email address at
kemates.com by sending an Email indicating the change in your email address to
us. We then change the Email address that your mail is forwarded to, WITHOUT
changing your kemates.com email address.
(e.g. punk@kemates.com remains the
same, but the
email will be forwarded to a different address (i.e. punk@freesite.com
instead of punk@hotmail.com)
In short, you get to retain your Email address for life, no matter how many
servers you change.
And lastly, but not the least,
3) Because it satisfies our ego.
lol... just kidding.. :)
So if you want to create a new email address, click on the button below :

If on the other hand, if you
still want to use your existing email address...
Kindly fill up the form below :